Instant Beauty Solutions: Why You Should Try Ultherapy

Have you heard of ultherapy? It is what brings ladies to medspa nowadays, but what is it?

It is an innovative non-invasive alternative to facelift and was approved by the FDA in 2009. This therapy will take years off your face, neck, and chest. Although all of these sound incredible, you still have to learn the basics of this treatment before you run to your nearest medspa. 

What Is Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is a non-surgical facelift that uses ultrasound technology to lift, tighten and contour skin on any body part. The procedure is entirely painless. You are awake and entertained during the whole treatment.

It is a done-in-office procedure that gained its name from the process of injecting ultrasound gel into the skin. The gel will expand the skin and tighten the tissue for a younger appearance. The sound waves sent through the gel will stimulate the collagen in the skin to rebuild correctly, making skin tighter and smoother.

How Does Ultherapy Work?

Ultherapy uses a device to send high-frequency sound waves through the skin and tissue. These waves destroy a tiny amount of collagen and elastin. Then the body rebuilds it with new, firmer tissue. Thus, you will have firmer, smoother skin and the appearance of reduced wrinkles, sagging and folds.

The procedure is entirely painless, and you can see the results right after the treatment. The effects of Ultherapy are long-lasting, and you do not need any maintenance treatments.

How Should I Prepare for Ultherapy?

You might ask if you need to prepare yourself before going to a medspa. Thankfully, there is only minimal preparation. Here are some tips:

  1. Drink two liters of water before the procedure. 
  2. Do not wear any makeup. (You can put a moisturizer on if you want.) 
  3. You can wear loose, comfortable clothing for the procedure. 
  4. You can wear your glasses or contact lenses if you want, aside from reading glasses. 
  5. Do not wear any jewelry. 
  6. Do not take blood thinners or blood-pressure medications a few days before the procedure. 
  7. Most importantly, please tell your doctor about all medications you are taking.

Should I Be Nervous?

You should not feel nervous because Ultherapy is a very safe procedure. It is non-surgical, painless, and you can even carry on a conversation while you have the procedure. You can resume your daily activities upon stepping out of the medspa.  

Are There Any Risks or Side Effects?

The side effects of Ultherapy are very rare. The procedure can be associated with skin sensitivity, redness, swelling, and bruising. However, these side effects are temporary and will subside within a few days.

Ultherapy is entirely safe. This procedure is non-surgical painless, and you can even carry on a conversation while you have the procedure. As mentioned earlier, you can resume your daily activities upon stepping out of the medspa.


Ultherapy is a non-invasive and safe treatment for improving the appearance of skin, face, neck, and chest. It can also inject collagen into lips to give them a fuller look. This procedure is entirely painless, and the results are long-lasting. You can see the results immediately after the procedure.

If you are looking for a reputable medspa for Ultherapy, you should go to Nuluk Aesthetics. Besides Ultherapy, we also offer other aesthetic procedures, so visit us soon!

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